Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Honoring Old Glory on Independence Day!


As American citizens dig into those BBQ steaks, corn on the cob, watermelon and Cherry Cobbler on the 4th, let a clarion call be sounded:

34 United States Senators voted against protecting Old Glory and declared, in effect, that the Red, White and Blue is nothing special.

Thus, the amendment to prevent desecration of our most precious symbol was once again sabotaged by those who simply do not care enough to do the right thing.

Democrats dominated the opposition, as usual, to this common-sense proposal with 30 out of 44(75%) voting to say 'To Hell With Old Glory!'

Lousy Democrats were joined by three RINOs and one independent in dumping Old Glory into the trash heap.

If just one of those 34 politicians had considered the young men and women fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan before casting their wrong minded votes, America would have taken a giant step forward.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

So, we the people are once again stuck with political malfeasance and neglect at the hands of Democrats and miscellaneous weasels who can not stand to see the United States or any of its institutions honored.

Thank God they were not voting on the July 4th celebration itself, or next Tuesday would have been become just another day....nothing special.

I urge all who love this nation and who cherish American values to join me in saying Hell No! to the 34 weasels.


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