Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Hillary Clinton Takes Shot at “Death of a President” Film

By John W. Lillpop

In a surprisingly strong statement, Senator Hillary Clinton(D-NY) ripped the fictional film that stages an assassination of President Bush.

"I think it's despicable," Clinton said. "I think it's absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."
Go here

Although it is not stated in the above story, Mrs. Clinton is known to prefer heavy ash trays to bullets when attacking an U.S. president.

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal

Thursday, September 21, 2006

“Goodhearted, hardworking” Illegal Alien?

By John W. Lillpop

Colorado authorities arrested a man Tuesday night on suspicion of murder after a woman was dragged to death behind a vehicle with a rope. The incident left a trail of blood more than a mile long. Go here

Jose Luis Rubi-Nava, 36, was arrested Tuesday night on suspicion of murder and jailed without bail. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman Carl Rusnok said agents believe Rubi-Nava is an illegal immigrant from Mexico.

It appears we have in our midst another one of those “goodhearted, hardworking” illegal aliens that President Bush, all Democrats and RINOS are so very fond of.

How many additional brutal murders will it take to convince President Bush that open borders and non-enforcement of immigration law are a major threat to Americans?

When will G.W. Bush and other elected officials fulfill their constitutional duty to defend Americans against all enemies, foreign and domestic?

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Why Illegal Aliens Must Be Licensed to Drive

By John W. Lillpop

Liberal politicians in California have attempted on several occasions to grant driving privileges to illegal aliens, otherwise known as undocumented Democrats.

The leftist argument goes something like this: Illegal aliens are “good-hearted, hard-working” folk--even G.W. Bush says so--who are quite concerned about breaking California laws by driving without a license and insurance.

Think about it. California has about six million miscreants who have invaded America by crossing our borders illegally, and who have ignored all U.S. immigration laws.

These criminals access public services to which they are not entitled, evade both federal and state income taxes, and have overcrowded California prisons to the point where authorities are no longer able to effectively manage U.S. citizen inmates.

Illegal aliens have also forced hospitals and medical clinics into bankruptcy and out of business because those facilities are required to provide medical care regardless of ability to pay. Thus, facilities built for the care and treatment of U.S. citizens are no longer available to citizens.

Yet, liberals want thinking people to believe that illegal aliens simply want to do what is right in order to comply with the law?

Has human history ever recorded a more illogical, silly argument?

Actually, there is one argument that is nearly as foolish: Liberals who would grant driving privileges to illegal aliens are the same anarchists who vehemently oppose laws requiring positive identification at the voting polls.

In other words, if liberals had their way, illegal aliens would be licensed to drive to the polls, but would not be challenged before voting.

Of course, most, if not all, votes cast by illegal aliens would be for Democrats.

A right-wing cynic might speculate that opposition to positive voter ID is just another instance of Democrats eschewing the rule of law and democratic principles in order to gain partisan advantage.

OK, so call me a right-wing cynic.

To illegal aliens genuinely concerned about following the law, I have a perfectly logical suggestion: Head south, do not look back, do not come back, and do not write--even if you are able to!


John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Just What in the Hell Is a “macaca”?

It never ceases to amaze me how Democrats and Republicans fare so much differently in the media when it comes to ultra-sensitive issues like race.

Senator George Allen has provided the most recent firestorm with his use of the term “macaca” to describe a Democratic operative haunting Allen’s every move. Go here:

Just one little problem with Allen’s “slur”: What in the hell does it mean?

Is it in reference to racial ethnicity? Perverted sexual orientation? A debilitating mental handicap like always voting for Democrats?

Although no one can pin down the exact meaning of “macaca,” the liberal media has enough information with which to proceed in it’s relentless crusade to run Republican Allen out of town, the United States, and the universe if at all possible.

What makes reaction to Allens’s apparent faux pas so perplexing is the fact that Democrat politicians have used far more abusive language and yet have survived nearly unscathed.

A classic example comes from California where Democrat Cruz Bustamante let loose with the Mother of all Slurs.

Bustamante was addressing a group of trade unionists in February 0f 2001, and while reciting a list of labor organizations that had the word "Negro" in their titles, Bustamante mistakenly blurted out the other “N” word—before an African-American audience!

Go here:

Of course, African-American and Hispanic activists immediately came to Bustamante’s defense by pointing out that the rotund little weasel had an impeccable record on affirmative action and blah, blah, blah.

Bustamante survived and ran for governor as a part of the Gray Davis recall in 2004, and holds office to this day as California’s lieutenant governor.

But Cruz Bustamante is a liberal Democrat. So the rules concerning hate speech, racism, bigotry and divisiveness did not apply because he did not really mean it when he trashed 30 million black Americans.

But let a Republican like Arnold Schwarzenegger slip and refer to a Latina as “hot” and the California hate speech police go absolutely barking mad!

Yet there is no double standard. Right?

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Shortage of Virgins in Islamic Heaven?

By John W. Lillpop

Adnan el-Shukrijumah, al-Qaida field commander in Afghanistan, is reportedly warning Muslims to leave the United States because another major terrorist attack is in the works. Go Here

As one who is fascinated by Islam, I admit to being confused by Adnan el-Shukrijumah’s warning. On the one hand, I appreciate the fact that the man is kind enough to warn brothers in the Islamofascist movement of impending doom so that steps can be taken to avoid annihilation.

On the other hand, one of the more appealing aspects of Islam is the promise of 72 virgins commencing with one’s earthly death and ascension into Islamic heaven. If that promise is true, why would Adnan el-Shukrijumah “warn” the brothers to leave?

It would seem to make better Muslim sense for Adnan el-Shukrijumah to keep that information under his turban. That way, Muslim brothers fortunate enough to be caught up in the next attack could cash in on those carnal blessings promised in the Koran.

Perhaps there is another answer: Is there a shortfall of virgins in Islamic heaven?

Could it be that G.W. Bush and his coalition of infidels have created a virgin supply-demand imbalance by killing so many terrorists? An imbalance that is threatening to shut down the Virgin Redemption Center (VRC) in Islamic heaven?

What a pity that would be. All those horny Islamofascists robbed of their greatest incentive to murder and maim.

If that is the case, Praise be to Allah!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

America's New Manifest Destiny: Jihad or Mexico Light?

By John W. Lillpop

As an English-speaking Caucasian, I have learned to accept the fact that America is in transition and is likely to become less and less Anglican.

The only remaining issue seems to be the race between Islamofascists and Mexican illegal aliens. Which group will take over America and change things even more and forever?

Or will illegal aliens and Jihadists form a coalition of the “good-hearted, hard-working” with the criminally insane? Perhaps they will convert the United States into a Muslim version of Mexico—a Latino cesspool and terrorist state?

Before those hot-blooded Latinos and short-fused Islamic extremists merge into one big dysfunctional family, several pressing issues will need to be resolved. The major issues are:

* Will Arabic or Spanish be the national language? Or will they create a new language called Spanibic?

* Will the official national headdress be the sombrero or exploding turban?

* Will Mexican women be forced to shield their faces in public?

* Will Mexican parents be required to raise their children to be suicide bombers. Will Mexican teens be shipped to Israeli pizza parlors on missions for Allah?

* Will Mexicans have to buy prayer blankets, face east, and pray to Allah five times a day? In Arabic?

* Will Muslims set up employment vigils outside Home Depot stores?

* Will adulterous Mexican women be punished by being stoned to death—rather than being stoned with Tequila and drugs as enticement for adultery?

* Will Muslims celebrate with piñatas at Christmas? Will their piñatas be stuffed with explosives?

* Will Mexican martyrs be rewarded with 72 virgins upon reaching heaven? Where will God and or Allah find 72 Mexican virgins?

* Will commercial phone instructions ask you to Press 1 for Arabic, 2 for Spanish, or 3 for Arabic and Spanish language lessons?

All of this pessimism can be summarized in one simple question: How do you say Reconquesta in Arabic?

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Friday, September 15, 2006

"El Grito de Independencia” Message: Get the Hell OUT!

By John W. Lillpop

September 16 is Mexican Independence Day. To the 20 million illegal aliens squatting tax-free in America, real Americans send the following “El Grito de Independencia” message:

We are FED UP with the invasion of our sovereign nation by third-world Mexican outlaws.

We are FED UP with people who are here illegally and who can not and/or will not speak English.

We are FED UP with illegal aliens from Mexico who cost American taxpayers scores of billions of dollars every year in health care, education, incarceration, and welfare.

We are FED UP with taxpayer dollars being wasted to print documents in a foreign language (Spanish).

We are FED UP with illegal aliens who dump their medical bills on the backs of U.S. taxpayers and who still send $20-40 billion a year back to Mexico each year.

We are FED UP with our schools being invaded by non-English speaking children from Mexico who impede the learning process of students who genuinely belong here.

We are FED UP with the fact that federal, state and local penal systems are overrun by illegals from Mexico, again costing taxpayers billions each year.

We are FED UP with the fact that the overwhelming majority of felony crimes being investigated in Los Angeles have been committed by illegal aliens from Mexico.

We are FED UP with federal, state and local agencies who refuse to round up and deport millions of illegal aliens who are destroying American culture and language.

We are FED UP with politicians who coddle illegal aliens with drivers licenses, lower college tuitons and similar benefits which only encourage more people to invade from Mexico.

We are FED UP with the attempted Mexicanization of America. Mexico is a third- world slum and we are FED UP with those who want America to be like Mexico!

Politicians--Democrat and Republican alike---who fail to heed the anger of the people concerning this issue will soon find themselves “former elected” officials.

Happy independence day---now get the hell out!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Preserving American Security, Sovereignty, & Culture

By John W. Lillpop

Herewith a simple set of ideas for saving America. This plan is reputed to be the work of a very famous Hollywood comedian but since that cannot be confirmed, he shall remain unnamed.

The Save America plan:

* U.S. will apologize to the world for interfering in affairs that were none of our business. That includes the likes of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Hussein, and the rest of those "good old boys” whom we should have left alone.

* U.S. troops will be removed from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines . They do not want us there.

* American troops to be reassigned to U.S. borders to protect America from invasion..

* Illegal aliens have 90 days to leave, with the U.S. paying their one-way fare out. After 90 days, those still here will be deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They are illegal, but France will welcome them.

* All future visitors to the U.S. will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you do not like your terrorist home, change it but do not hide here. Asylum will no longer be available to anyone. We do not need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

* No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they do not attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

* The U.S. will make a strong effort to become energy self-sufficient. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The Caribou will have to cope for a while.

* U.S. will offer Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they do not like it, we will go somewhere else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production.

* If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement, or whatever they need. Most of U.S. aid is either stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.

* UN Headquarters will be shipped to an isolated island. We do not need the spies and fair weather friends on U.S. soil. Besides, the building would make a terrific detention center for illegal aliens awaiting deportation to Mexico,

* All Americans to attend charm and beauty school, courtesy of the U.S. government. No more "Ugly Americans" among us!

* ENGLISH is the language —and the ONLY language—Americans speak. Learn ENGLISH or get out!

A final note: The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.”

Now she has a baseball bat and is yelling, “You want a piece of me?”

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.