Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

That Fetus: "An Inconvenient Pregnancy" or "Life Before Birth?"


As Americans struggle to cope with the gut-wrenching issues of the day, one concern constantly dominates the social wars from one generation to the next, unabated in intensity and emotional power.

That issue is America's love-hate relationship with abortion.

Those who favor a woman's right to terminate a human fetus
should consider a thought that captures the spirit of this debate, eloquently and succinctly, all at once:

Life before birth!

That says it all, really. Call that fetus what you wish, but the fact remains it is human life.

Albeit, a life without power, voting rights, free speech or any other protection afforded the born.

But a human life, nonetheless.

A precious gift from God----regardless of how inconvenient the pregnancy may be to the vessel blessed with the greatest gift He can bestow.

Willfully ending a human life is, in essence, a declaration that one is somehow justified in destroying one of our Creator's most spectacular achievements.

A superseding of Divine Will by mortal will, if you will.

And if you supplant Divine Will with your own in order to end a human life, someday you will have to account for your decision before God ---- in a judgment you simply can not afford to lose!

Which is why, even in cases involving the most despicable sub-human killers, our society affords layer-upon-layer of legal review and recourse before implementing death as the officially-sanctioned punishment by the state.

Unfortunately, while liberals fight to the bitter end to save the pathetic life of a thug convicted of multiple murders, there is no mercy or fight in them for the unborn-----those who have life before birth.

And while they work 24/7 to prevent executions of convicted killers because of newly-minted concerns about the 'pain' inflicted by lethal injections, liberal dogma is perfectly OK with the fact that 40 million human lives have been purged, courtesy of the Roe V Wade Fetus Death Certificate, issued in 1973.

40 million! Nearly seven times greater than those who perished in the Holocaust. About the number Joseph Stalin butchered in the USSR.

But the 40 million lives slaughtered by Americans were not political, social or religious enemies of anyone.

They were innocent young human lives waiting for a chance to experience the American Dream----but who were destroyed because each was "An Inconvenient Pregnancy."

May good and righteousness prevail in the hearts of Americans and replace a mindset that tolerates 'An Inconvenient Pregnancy' with one that celebrates "Life before Birth!"


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