Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Old Gray Lady Does Not Look So Hot in Red


'All the news that's fit to print,'
has long been the slogan of the New York Times, once a proud, respected news source relied on by people all over the globe.

Regrettably, liberalism has infected the brains of some very powerful folks at the paper. Out- of -control liberalism has in turn spawned raw, unrestrained hatred for George Bush, and that has driven the old Gray lady into the gutter.

Indeed, the old Gray lady has taken to the streets like a tramp in the night, one who sells her soul and journalistic integrity for the Holy Grail of the corporate news world ----the scoop.

Like any other despicable tramp, the Lady in Red cares not one whit about those who subscribe to her services.

So what if national security is weakened? How is that my concern, the Lady in Red cries?

After all, her sole responsibility is to inform the public, even if doing so threatens the health and lives of the very people she is obsessed with informing.

If America loses the war on terror because of treasonous behavior by tramps like those at the New York Times, at least we the people can take comfort in the knowledge that we were well informed.

Even Bill Keller can not really believe that that makes one lick of sense.


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