Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Open Letter from Jesus to Hillary Rodham Clinton


At the risking of appearing blasphemous, I present herewith my vision of what an Open Letter from Jesus to Hillary would say were He were inclined to write:

Dear Hillary,

How are you and Slick Willy---excuse me, President Clinton---managing these days?

Its great knowing you have worked so hard to preserve your marriage. Hillary, you deserve a congressional medal for all you have tolerated over the years..… especially the stuff on Pages 602 through 709 of Ken Starr’s 1998 Impeachment Report to congress.


My primary reason for writing is to congratulate you for advocating humane treatment of the 20 million illegal aliens who have invaded the US. You are to be applauded for sticking to hardball politics while everyone around you has obscured the issue with irrelevant talk about secure borders, homeland security, and the rule of law.

Enlisting my name in opposing HB 4437 was a shrewd political move on your part and one that will surely earn you favor with illegals who will vote in large numbers if Howard Dean’s recruiting drive works.

While I am thrilled that you are concerned about the welfare (pun not intended) of 20 million illegal aliens, I would ask that you re-prioritize your efforts to more fully embrace my Good News ministry.


-As I have repeatedly stated, you will always have the poor in your midst. Republicans and big business will see to that, so do not be overly concerned about the plight of the less fortunate.

-In lieu of your exaggerated hysteria about illegal aliens, I request that you devote your energies and resources to the callous murder of the unborn.

According to government statistics, 40 million precious lives have been brutally snuffed out since the Roe V. Wade Death Sentence on the Unborn was issued in 1973. 40 million innocent lives destroyed because angry white females loved the honey, but could not take the bees!

Please work to overcome this national sin, Hillary. By deporting 20 million illegals, you can make room for the unborn that will be saved by overturning Roe V. Wade. We call that a win-win!

-Because you are now an expert of the Holy Scriptures, I am sure you realize that homosexuality is a grievous sin, against both God and nature. It is called an abomination in the Good Book, and I ask that you work for a constitutional amendment to recognize marriage as it was in the Garden of Eden: One man and one woman. Not two men, or two women, or two men and a horse, or any other perverse concoction that liberals might dream up just for more votes.

To recap: Illegals out, babies in, gays out, man-woman marriages in.

Really quite simple, isn’t it?

One last piece of advice: I tried to slow Bill down a little with that quadruple by-pass last summer. But he seems to be getting spunkier by the day----watch him like a hawk, Hillary, especially during your upcoming campaign!

Best Wishes,



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