Liberal No More

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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Kofi Annan--Peacemaker or Terrorist Enabler?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In a statement released Saturday, Kofi Annan said: "I am happy to announce that the two leaders have agreed that the cessation of hostilities and the end of the fighting will enter into force on 14 August." Go here

Thus, Annan appears to have solved one of the most vexing conflicts in human history, dating back thousands of years.

Indeed, ending the fighting through a forced ceasefire was relatively easy--something one could trust to even a lightweight, so-called diplomatlike Madeline Albright for example.

But to negotiate a "cessation of hostilities" between Jews and Muslims implies far greater miracle working. Its almost as if Annan was able to confer a "spiritual awakening" on both sides, the result of which will be mutual respect, kindness and acceptance between the parties forever more.

If so, one wonders why Annan did not implement an immediate--as in now, not Monday--love-in between Israel and Hezbelloah?

Such a plan could have saved lives and property that will be lost during the extra war days until August 14.

In addition, the Reuters new agency could have laid off its entire Middle East photo fraud staff early, in anticipation of an urgent need stateside when that monster Category 5 hurricane slams into New Orleans, Florida or even New York City in the weeks ahead.

Reuters will surely need a full contingent of deceit photo "journalists" to convince the public that G.W. Bush's snub of the Kyoto Treaty has caused massive global warming and Category 5 storms. Obviously, those storms have been designed by Bush and the neocons to punish poor people of color for--well, being poor and people of color.

Reuters apparently believes it has a civic responsibility to make that argument with whatever indelicate staged photos may be necessary.

But back to the man of the hour, good old "Food for Oil" Kofi.

Lets drop the cynicism long enough for a well-deserved tip of the hat to Annan for restoring "insanity light" to the Middle East.

With a little luck, Israel will not be wiped off the map by Iran before Annan's ceasefire takes effect!


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