Liberal No More

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Use Yankee Ingenuity to Fix Mexico's Election Mess

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

It should come as no great surprise that a nation which can not feed, house, educate and provide minimal health care for its citizens can not manage free and fair elections.

And so it is with Mexico. More than a month after the July 2 presidential election there, tens of thousands of angry protesters are threatening to seize Mexico City's airport and otherwise engage in civil disobedience.

The seeds of discontent were sown Saturday when Mexico's Federal Electoral Tribunal decided that Lopez Obrador failed to provide sufficient evidence of irregularities or fraud to warrant a full recount.

However, losing candidate Obrador is unwilling to concede. "We are going to continue our peaceful civil resistance movement," Lopez Obrador said Saturday, adding that the tribunal's judges were "legally weak."Source

It sounds as though losing leftists in Mexico are being coached by the same thugs who attempted to steal the U.S. election for Al Gore and the Democrats in 2000.

Still, there may be a way for the United States to help Mexico climb out of its election hole, while at the same time addressing a vexing issue facing Americans.

I refer to Lopez Obrador's urgent need for left-leaning Mexican voters and America's oversupply of the same, in the form of illegal aliens.

By forcing a large percentage of the 20 million illegal squatters now here illegally to return to their beloved Mexico, the United States could help bring justice to Mexico--at least until the next election.

By spreading Democracy in this manner, America could avoid a repeat of last April and May when millions of illegal aliens took to the streets of Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and other U.S. major cities to demand citizenship.

How perfectly logical that those same criminals should be sent home to march in Mexico City and other slum cities in that third-world cesspool.

So, let the deportations begin and prepare to celebrate the mother of all win-win deals!


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