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Monday, August 07, 2006

Fret Not, Cuba. G.W. Bush is no John Kennedy!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

From AP comes word that leftist intellectuals and human rights activists around the globe are uging the United States to "stand down" with regard to Cuba while Fidel Castro recovers from his medical problem.

In response, President Bush said "The only thing I know is what has been speculated, and this is that, on the one hand, he is very ill and, on the other hand, he is going to be coming out of hospital."

"Our desire is for the Cuban people to choose their own form of government" said the president. Source

Sounds as though G.W. Bush has those international "intellectuals" worried that America might have designs on Cuba now that Castro is incapacitated.

Were you expecting an invasion, intellectuals?

Rest easy, commie pinkos. If you are concerned about a Bay of Pigs redux under G.W. Bush, forget it.

G.W. Bush may not be the sharpest knive in the drawer, but he is no John Kennedy!


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