Liberal No More

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Georgia Voters Reject Anti-war Racist

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In a stunning victory for president G.W. Bush and the forces of common sense, cop-beater Cynthia McKinney was expelled from the U.S. House of representatives by Georgia voters on Tuesday.

Georgia voters thus did a bit of "Housekeeping" in Nancy Pelosi's Culture of Corruption. Housekeeping that the bug-eyed airhead from San Francisco should have done on her own.

McKinney, known for her conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11 attacks, was demolished by Attorney Hank Johnson, a former county commissioner, who won the nomination with 59 percent of the vote, surpassing McKinney by more than 11,000 votes. Source:

The defeat of this racist dunce is proof positive that anti-war Democrats are about to commit hairy-Kerry on a grand scale in November--again!

But why try to stop them? After all, ending ones life, political and otherwise, is a personal choice best left to the individual. Right?

Besides, anti-war nutcases like McKinney and Cindy Sheehan are the best thing the Republicans have going this election!


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