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Friday, August 18, 2006

This Terrorist Sympathizer Wears a Black Robe and Is Female!

Authored by John W. Lillpop

In a shocking reminder of why Democrats must never be entrusted with power at any level, U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit ruled that a surveillance program utilized by the Bush administration in the war on terror is unconstitutional.

Who in the heck is Anna Diggs Taylor? And how in the name of all that is decent and righteous can an obscure federal judge unilaterally shut down a vital intelligence tool used by the U.S. commander in chief while the nation is at war?

What if a judge had ruled that the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, was unconstitutional? How would President Franklin D. Roosevelt have proceeded?

Or what if a liberal activist judge had imposed an injunction against America using the Atomic bomb in Japan in 1946? Would President Truman have simply complied?

Could America have won World War II with the likes of Anna Diggs Taylor advocating on behalf of the enemy?

As it turns out, Judge Taylor worked on Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign in 1976 and was sworn in as a federal judge to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in 1979. Go Here

So, Anna Diggs Taylor was elevated beyond her capabilities during the administration of one of the worse presidents in U.S. history. Why does that fact not come as a great surprise?

Twenty six years after We the People booted the bumbling Jimmy Carter out of the Oval Office, his legacy of incompetence comes back to haunt America and all of the civilized world. Like a very bad penny, Jimmy Carter keeps coming back.

Despite her mind-numbing liberalism, surely Judge Taylor reads newspapers, watches television, browses the Internet, or listens to the radio. Right?

Judge, does September 11, 2001, ring a bill? What about the plot uncovered in the United Kingdom last week in which terrorists were in the final stages of “unimaginable mass murder?” A plot, by the way, which was discovered and dismantled in cooperation with U.S. intelligence authorities?

If Judge Taylor’s ruling ultimately stands, then it is point, match, and championship for the terrorists. Osama bin Laden, with an assist from the Lady in Black from Detroit, will have trumped G.W. Bush, the American people, and the cherished principles upon which this great nation was founded 230 years ago.

And history will note, probably in Arabic, that Islamic fascism prevailed in the war on terror because of an abuse of judicial power by a female terrorist sympathizer in a black robe, sans only the burka.

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.


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