Liberal No More

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

America Continues To Pay Steep Price for Electing Democrats

Democrat Presidents Carter and Clinton Caused Most of Current World Crises


While America has generally prospered under the steady hand of GW Bush over the past five plus years, our nation continues to pay a steep price for electing Democrats in 1976 and 1992/1996.

Specifically, America's 2006 Independence Day celebrations were marred by news that North Korea fired six missiles including a long-range one with capability to reach the United States. That missile failed shortly after launch.

North Korea's experimentation with missiles and nuclear weapons is a direct result of wrong-headed policies implemented by the Clinton Administration.

With Secretary of State Madeline Albright running the show whilst Bill Clinton was otherwise engaged with Monica Lewinski and others in sex parlors Clinton established in the White House, fatal errors in judgment occurred in the name of official American foreign policy.

In effect, the Clinton Administration aided and abetted in the creation of the North Korean nuclear nightmare, under madman monster leader Kim Jong Il.

Had American military professionals been involved instead of an inexperienced, naive old woman and a president addicted to immoral sexual behavior, Mr. Kim Jong Il would have been put out of business years ago.

In addition to the North Korean mess, GW Bush is dealing with the Iranian nuclear crisis, one that threatens world peace and economic stability in very dangerous ways.

That calamity has its roots in the administration of Jimmy Carter.

Mr. Carter, people will reluctantly remember, is the Democrat president who concerned himself with trivial issues such as scheduling the White House tennis courts.

While President Carter was thus engaged, militant extremists attacked the American embassay in Tehran, taking 62 American citizens as hostages. 52 of those Americans were held captive for more than one year.

Carter's incompetence and bungling is still haunting the US., even though America quickly decided that electing Carter was a huge mistake.

Mr. Carter was sent packing after four miserable, wasted years in office with interest rates hovering above 20% and the prestige of America in ruins.

The bottom line: If America had not elected Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, the world, and especially America, would be far safer today.


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