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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Death, Taxes.........and Taxes After Death in California?


Just how nutty are California Democrats?

Well, consider this.

Democrats are working on a new tax, euphemistically called Property Use Revenue Enhancement(PURE), that will enable the state to pick the pockets of the deceased years after the dearly departed has drawn his/her last breath.

Should Democrats succeed in this dastardly evil, one will no longer be able to escape the greedy clutches of the tax collector by simply dying.

Specifically, Democrats would like to levy a PURE on occupied burial plots at public cemeteries in the state.

The 'logic' behind this latest liberal goofiness is that burial plots are not the 'best and highest use' of California real estate, particularly in light of the skyrocketing escalation of land value. Some land in prime locations has increased by more than 1000% over the past five years.

'Best and highest' use of public land is mandated by California law.

But rather than seizing cemetery property with eminent domain authority, Democrats would prefer to levy a PURE on the descendants of those resting in public burial plots.

Democrat political wonks argue believe that a PURE, if not excessive, would cause far less outrage than an eminent domain action which would involve condemnation of public cemeteries, and require relatives to relocate the remains of loved ones.

Supporters also point out that the PURE would be progressive in nature, meaning that tax collectors would work with state and federal tax authorities to determine current income levels.

Tax rates would then be established based on an 'ability to pay' scale and the number of deceased resting in any specific burial location.

This proposal is being touted in some Democrat circles as the long-awaited salvation for tax and spend liberals everywhere, especially since the PURE could be manipulated to exclude most constituents in the Democrat base.

Republicans are not so sure.

Some even suspect this is a 'trial balloon' being lofted by Democrat gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides who is alleged to hold stock in the Neptune Society, a service that utilizes cremation, rather than burial, for disposal of human remains.

A PURE on burial plots might cause a run on cremation services, thereby benefiting Anglides, GOP sources suggested.



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