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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Why Would a Normal Muslim Ever Resist Death?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Think about it.

If a Muslim man has immediate access to 72 voluptuous virgins upon death, why resist?

In fact, one wonders why Musab Zarqawi tried to crawl off his death-stretcher last June in Iraq?

Given the promise of all that free love, why not just lay back, relax and croak?

Perhaps Zarqawi understood that if he was taken alive, dimwit liberals at the ACLU and DNC would demand he receive a full slate of ‘Terrorist Rights,’ including a civilian jury trial, thereby delaying his demise/reward by a decade or two?

So, Zarqawi did what any sane Muslim about to lose out on 20 years of unfettered sex would do: He tried to escape in order to die immediately!

In the end, though, Zarqawi was a beneficiary of superior American technology as that 500 pound buster- bomb blasted the jihadist killer out of this level of consciousness.

Zarqawi’s last words on that bloody stretcher reflected his gratitude when he stole a direct quote from GW Bush:

Bring them on! said the dying jihadist, with a twinkle in his still-horny eye.

One can assume the three weasels who committed suicide have also snaked their way up to Islamic heaven and are reunited with Zarqawi. Those three are most likely in the process of claiming their heavenly rewards as well, all of which makes suicide, martyrdom and just plain death seem sort of appealing.

So, again I ask: With 72 virgins in the offing, why in the hell do Muslims ever resist death?


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