Liberal No More

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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Does GW Just Rub Some People the Wrong Way?

Authored by John W Lillpop

Have the liberal media gone barking mad?

One would think so after reading some of the liberal pap about GW Bush's innocent rub administered to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Like the story published in the San Francisco Chronicle (Bush Gropes, Planet Cringes)in its July 19 edition.

Bush gropes? Planet cringes?

Good heavens, the president was simply comforting an American ally with a little conservative compassion.

Cowboy diplomacy, not erotic arousal, was obviously Mr. Bush's intent.

But to some media, Bush's gentle touch bordered on sexual assault, worthy of a bill of impeachment or, at the very least, induction into the Executive Wing of Nancy Pelosi's Culture of Corruption.

These are the same media types that gave Bill Clinton a free pass when Slick essentially turned the White House into his personal harem, and committed perjury about having " with that woman, Ms. Lewinski."

Where was the liberal outrage when Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Wiley accused Clinton of' unwelcome advances, some bordering on criminal behavior?

But once again, there IS a wholly unfair double standard the media applies when reporting or opining about Republicans and Democrats.

To say that W simply 'rubs some people the wrong way' is to deny the intensity of the Bush hatred among liberal media.


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