Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

An Inconvenient Question: Could Al Gore be RIGHT?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Perish the very thought, right?

After all, Al Gore knows as much about science as Bill Clinton does about morality and sexual discretion.

Yet, there are some disturbing signs.

For example, as a resident of the San Francisco Bay area, I am accustomed to suffering through five or six really hot days each summer.

Five or six days total.... all summer.

And even on those few scorchers, once the sun sets, temperatures drop rapidly. Not uncommon to fall asleep under a roaring fan, only to awaken in the middle of the night in search of a light blanket to take the chill off.

2006 is different.

We have already been through more than a week of hot, humid weather. And it does not cool off at night.

Our natural ‘air conditioning’----that famous San Francisco fog---is missing.

Which would be OK if the heat zapped only liberals.

Unfortunately, conservatives suffer as much as liberals. Perhaps more, because we have to endure snide remarks about how Gore was right about global warming after all.

Still, I am not ready to concede the point.

Instead, I propose that all liberals give up their cars, cut their lawns with hand-push mowers, and forsake those noxious summer BBQs.

Lets try that for five to ten years and see if it helps cool things off a bit.

If it does, a tip of the hat would be owed Gore and his liberal minions.

If not, at least we will have reduced traffic and the demand for gasoline, and kept goofy liberals off the roads for a while.

And that would be a good thing!


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