Liberal No More

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Wake up and Smell the Kofi!

Authored by John W Lillpop

In any global crisis, large or small, the United Nations can be counted on to either exacerbate the problem or to have no impact.

Rarely, if ever, does involvement by Secretary General Kofi Anan accomplish much of anything.

Excepting the 'Oil for Food' scandal when Anan and a male offspring proved quite adept at fraud, thievery and cover-up.

So when it comes to a very dangerous world situation, like the current war between Israel and Hezbollah, why should anyone be surprised at, or disappointed by, Anan's performance on July 20?

True to form, Anan blathered on and on in a feeble attempt to assert UN authority and influence. His 'tough talk' included a stern scolding of both sides, and a demand that 'Hostilities must stop.'

Transcript of Anan's 7/20 address

And what was the immediate impact of this 'powerful' leader's words?

More bombings, rocket attacks and plans for a major invasion by Israeli ground forces.

In other words, neither Israel nor Hezbolah paid much attention, except to escalate the violence.

Some leader, some 'Peace Keeping!'

Face it, the UN could not mediate a pie-eating contest at a convention of Southern Baptists. Given the opportunity, Anan would engineer a "Pies for Salvation" scheme, or other such scandal, thereby catipulting the Baptists into an uncivil Holy War for the next 100 years.

Even so, Anan is reportedly sending a 'Team' to the region next week. Would that be volleyball or soccer, Mr. Anan?

And do you have the balls needed, sir?

Still, there is one bit of good news to celebrate: Katie Couric, who takes over as news CBS anchor in September, has announced she will NOT be going to the Middle East to cover the war.

"I think the situation there is so dangerous, and as a single parent with two children, that's something I won't be doing," Katie said.

Perhaps the 'perky' Couric heard about Anan's plans and decided to stay out of the way?

If so, a tip of the hat to the bumbling Anan for finally making a difference----even if it was entirely by accident!


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