Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Quite a Flaming Babe, that Valerie Plame!


In the case involving Valerie Plame, it remains unclear whether or not she was a covert spy for the CIA. It is equally uncertain whether or not her identity was unlawfully leaked.

However, one thing is absolutely clear and without the slightest doubt: Valerie Plame is drop-dead beautiful!

A Plame by any other name is still a flaming babe!

Ms. Plame's stunning looks catch one off guard, and can cause a temporary loss of focused concentration.

She is also capable of inspiring impromptu fantasies having absolutely nothing to do with boring CIA affairs, but plenty to do with affairs of the heart and all that implies.

Ms. Plame's striking beauty raises immediate questions:

-How in the world did a low-level hack like Joe Wilson attract this icon of female beauty?

-Why did Wilson leave Valerie's side to travel to Niger looking for yellow cake, when he was blessed with a gold mine at home?

-How did Wilson keep Bill Clinton away this Angel of loveliness?

Personally, I hope Plame's suit against Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby et al makes it to court.

A couple of months of Plame on Court TV would be great for their ratings, and a real boost to my fantasy life!


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