Liberal No More

A cyberspace watering hole/wailing wall where ex-liberals in recovery can congregate for mutual support and to thank God for emancipation from the hypocricy and insanity of liberalism.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Essential American Truths Hispanics Must be made to Understand

By John W. Lillpop

After watching millions of illegal aliens protest in the streets of America in April and May, it is clear that many Hispanics, both illegal aliens and those here legally, are clueless about what it means to live in America and to be American.

Such people must be made to understand the following essential truths about America:

* America is a sovereign nation, completely independent of Mexico. It has been that way for more than 200 years, and we intend to keep it that way.

* In 1848, The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo was ratified by both the United States and Mexican congresses. That Treaty satisfied any and all claims Mexico had to land now part of the United States.

* Native Indians were the original landowners of what is now the Southwestern United States. Any valid “chain of title” belongs to Native American Indians, not Mexicans.

* Brown may be beautiful in Latin America. But in the United States, we are partial to colors that symbolize freedom under the rule of law. That would be Red, White and Blue.

* In America, Mexico is a foreign nation and Spanish is a foreign language.

* Being hard working and good hearted is commendable, but those qualities do not entitle anyone to enter the United States illegally.

* Speaking two or more languages is fine-- provided one of the languages is English. Literacy in Spanish rather than English is not acceptable.

* Celebrating ones cultural heritage is perfectly fine--provided it does not interfere with assimilation into American culture.

* U.S. immigration laws exist to protect American citizens & others here legally, not to facilitate a foreigner’s pursuit of a better life, and

* Those who come to America must adjust to our culture and traditions. We have no obligation or desire to change our way of living to accommodate foreign newcomers.

Illegal aliens, please share this list with family and friends who may be thinking of coming to America illegally. Perhaps your experience will cause such people to stay in Mexico.

That would be a good thing!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

English Vs. Spanish: A Question of Racism?

By John W. Lillpop

In a rare show of wisdom several years ago, California voters passed Proposition 227 to abolish most forms of bilingual education. The premise was simple: When English is not spoken in the home, youngsters are at a decided disadvantage, and must, therefore, receive intensive English instruction elsewhere.

Coddling non-English speaking youngsters with bilingual instruction at school was correctly seen as counterproductive.

Unfortunately, some Hispanics educators refuse to abide by the law and continue to teach in Spanish. One such so-called educator was recently recognized as “Teacher of the Year” by a Southern California school district. Pancho, which is not his real name, proclaimed it his duty to instruct Hispanics in their native tongue, and hailed this defiance of state law as a major macho accomplishment.

Were it not for the fact that California’s educational system is so infested with liberals, Pancho would have been fired and his teaching credentials permanently revoked.

By refusing to expose his students to the language needed to succeed in America, Pancho should be arrested and charged with child endangerment/abuse.

As an educator, Pancho should know that California now requires students to pass a test in order to graduate from high School. One of the test subjects: English proficiency.

Do you get that, Pancho? English, not Spanish, is a requirement for high school graduation in California. The state does not test for Spanish proficiency because English is the predominate language in California and throughout America.

Pancho probably considers those who want English to be the official American language to be "racist." However, I am sure he does not see himself as being racist for preferring Spanish to English.

In fact, Pancho most likely believes that his defiance of state law is perfectly justified because bilingual education means diversity—and everyone knows diversity is enriching and good.

California parents, please remember this: English proficiency is required to graduate high school. Spanish proficiency is required to pick fruit and
operate leaf blowers. Which future do you want for your child?

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

“Do You Speak any Foreign Language?” “Only English!”

Written by John W. Lillpop

Northern California is a wonderful place to live for a variety of reasons. Diversity and multi-cultural political correctness are not among the reasons.

For example, a simple chore like shopping for groceries can turn into a diversity nightmare for anyone with the arrogance to have been born in America and who speaks English—and only English.

Ask a store employee where kidney beans are, for instance, and the barely intelligible response will usher you off to the meat department. There I found swine kidneys, on sale at $3.44 a pound.

What a great buy, that is! Except I wanted kidney beans for a chili, and can barely stomach the idea of eating the kidney of a swine, or the kidney of any dead being for that matter.

Whizzing right along, one encounters shopper after shopper glued to cell phones, many shouting very loudly in Arabic or Spanish. The strangest, and most frightening, shoppers are those who shout alternatively in Arabic and Spanish.

Obviously, I look forward to checking out my groceries and returning home as quickly as possible.

But, alas, the checker is blathering on and on into her cell phone in Spanish, pausing every few seconds or so to scan an item or two. At each pause, the checker glares intently at us shoppers; she is obviously miffed that all these inconsiderate mall freaks are interrupting her important telephone conversation.

Things get a little better with the next shopper because he speaks Spanish, so he is in and out in short order.

Just before I reach the head of the line, a young man who speaks perfect English replaces the Spanish-speaking checker. “Victory,” says I. Score one for the Good Guys!

My victory celebration is short-lived, however, because the shopper right in front of me is an older man who speaks very broken English, that monster language created by the influx of aliens into California from Mexico.

So, the young checker with perfect English has the formidable task of trying to explain to a Mexican immigrant that one cannot use food stamps to purchase liquor. And as that comedic exchange takes place, the line of anxious shoppers grows and grows.

It all works out, finally, and as I relax in my favorite recliner, I praise God that I am safe at home where good English communication is still possible.

At that moment the phone rings and I smartly answer “Good evening. This is John Lillpop speaking.”

My heart sinks in despair at the response. “Que?” asks the caller.

“Do you speak any foreign languages?” she asks.

“Only English, my dear, only English!”

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal

Monday, August 21, 2006

Wanted: Warning Labels for Islamic Terrorists

Written by John W. Lillpop

Warning! All Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims!

When the health hazards of tobacco became obvious in the decade of the 1950s, the U.S. government took action to alert Americans as to the hazards of smoking. It became mandatory to identify cigarette packages with ''warning labels'' so as to alert the consuming public that the cigarettes therein were potentially lethal.

Similarly, the American public has been bombarded with messages about fat, cholesterol, sugar, salt, meat products, automobiles, medicines, cancer-causing agents, too much sex, not enough sex, and on and on.

In short, Mother Government--aka Uncle Sam--has seen fit to stick her/his taxpayer funded nose into every nook and cranny of American life in search of potential danger.

Given the government’s obsession with identifying all agents of potential harm, why are the bureaucrats so reticent when it comes to clearly identifying the threat of terrorism? For instance, why does our government refuse to utilize racial profiling or other logical means for isolating those most likely to do harm to America?

In fact, if the government is concerned about the health and safety of the American people, the bureaucrats should undertake a massive campaign to educate the public as to the dangers posed by Islamic fascists. That message should state:

All Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims!

This message should be proclaimed on huge billboards in all airport lobbies, and on all roadways leading to air terminals. It should be taught in all public schools from kindergarten through high school. Each airline ticket should have the message embossed in large font on the ticket face.

Wake up, Ma Government and Uncle Sam. We need you to protect us against those who seek to wipe out thousands or millions of Americans in terrorist attacks.

Protect us from Osama bin Laden and those who have declared Jihad on America, and We the People will take care of ourselves when it comes to the risks involved in consuming chocolate and ice cream!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal

Friday, August 18, 2006

Bill Clinton’s 60th Birthday

Written by John W. Lillpop

Today, August 19, former President Bill Clinton will celebrate his 60th birthday. According to some written accounts, “celebrate” is not quite what Clinton has in mind. In fact, “Grin and bear it” would seem a more apt description of Clinton’s attitude to his advancing years and declining relevance in American society.

The dramatic aging of our 42nd president is so sudden that it is startling. Indeed, it seems like only yesterday that Slick Willie was turning the Oval Office into his personal harem and, unwittingly, a crime scene for the U.S. House Impeachment panel.

Perjury, subornation of jurors, and obstruction of justice charges followed Slick Willie throughout his stay at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He had nearly as many lawyers as mistresses, and knew how to use both.

In those heady days, Clinton was often called a sex addict. Being a Sexagenarian seemed eons away for the man who appeared to have the sexual appetite of a seventeen-year-old and the morals of a stray, non-neutered alley cat.

But now, Clinton has snow-white hair, and more face wrinkles than adulterous affairs. Time has finally caught up with the man from Hope, Arkansas and it shows.

Love him or loathe him, no one can deny that William Jefferson Clinton was wildly entertaining. With Bill Clinton in office, there was never a dull moment. Or if there was one, you knew that it was only a matter of time until another “bimbo eruption” would rock Washington, D.C. and the world into yet another steamy scandal.

Happy 60th, Mr. Clinton!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Statement by Abu Musab Zarqawi from Islamic Heaven

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP


Brothers and Heirs to the Throne of Heaven,

Praise Be to Allah!

After my arrival here in June, I kissed the clouds and thanked Allah for deliverance from the infidel devils lead by that dyslexic Christian cowboy from Texas, G.W. Bush.

I prayed that, Allah willing, Bush would be forced to spend eternity with Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, a situation otherwise known as hell.

Praise Be to Allah!

We know that Allah would never punish even the most awful infidel so brutally. So I faced west and, Allah forgive me, prayed to the infidel’s God.

God willing, Bush and Ms. Pelosi will be manacled together forever in San Francisco’s Castro District. Bush will suffer greatly, God willing, at the hands of tens of thousands of young men unable to marry because of Bush the homophobe infidel.

Praise Be to Allah!

Brothers, all is good in Islamic Heaven, save one detail.

Each of the 72 virgins that greeted me is the spitting image of Helen Thomas, a fiction writer who works in Washington D.C., Capitol City of the infidels.

Pray for me, brothers: These women are virgins, but not by choice.

This is not what I expected as my reward for being blown to smithereens.

Praise Be to Allah!

Allah willing, your prayers will deliver unto me 72 middle-eastern Muslim women, ages 15- 21, lean but not mean, beautiful and still virgins by choice.

Allah speed brothers! Without seductive virgins, this gig sucks!

Praise Be to Allah!

Your Comrade in Death,
Musab Zarqawi

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

This Terrorist Sympathizer Wears a Black Robe and Is Female!

Authored by John W. Lillpop

In a shocking reminder of why Democrats must never be entrusted with power at any level, U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit ruled that a surveillance program utilized by the Bush administration in the war on terror is unconstitutional.

Who in the heck is Anna Diggs Taylor? And how in the name of all that is decent and righteous can an obscure federal judge unilaterally shut down a vital intelligence tool used by the U.S. commander in chief while the nation is at war?

What if a judge had ruled that the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, also known as D-Day, was unconstitutional? How would President Franklin D. Roosevelt have proceeded?

Or what if a liberal activist judge had imposed an injunction against America using the Atomic bomb in Japan in 1946? Would President Truman have simply complied?

Could America have won World War II with the likes of Anna Diggs Taylor advocating on behalf of the enemy?

As it turns out, Judge Taylor worked on Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign in 1976 and was sworn in as a federal judge to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in 1979. Go Here

So, Anna Diggs Taylor was elevated beyond her capabilities during the administration of one of the worse presidents in U.S. history. Why does that fact not come as a great surprise?

Twenty six years after We the People booted the bumbling Jimmy Carter out of the Oval Office, his legacy of incompetence comes back to haunt America and all of the civilized world. Like a very bad penny, Jimmy Carter keeps coming back.

Despite her mind-numbing liberalism, surely Judge Taylor reads newspapers, watches television, browses the Internet, or listens to the radio. Right?

Judge, does September 11, 2001, ring a bill? What about the plot uncovered in the United Kingdom last week in which terrorists were in the final stages of “unimaginable mass murder?” A plot, by the way, which was discovered and dismantled in cooperation with U.S. intelligence authorities?

If Judge Taylor’s ruling ultimately stands, then it is point, match, and championship for the terrorists. Osama bin Laden, with an assist from the Lady in Black from Detroit, will have trumped G.W. Bush, the American people, and the cherished principles upon which this great nation was founded 230 years ago.

And history will note, probably in Arabic, that Islamic fascism prevailed in the war on terror because of an abuse of judicial power by a female terrorist sympathizer in a black robe, sans only the burka.

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

An Inconvenient Fact: Liberals to Blame for U.S. Dependence on Foreign Oil

Authored by John W. Lillpop

America’s inability to free itself from dependence on oil from the Middle East may go down as one of the greatest failures in U.S. political history. Even the most generous historian will find it difficult to justify our continued reliance on a region of the world that has been in constant turmoil for more than 50 years.

Given the political instability in the Middle East and the skyrocketing costs of oil, U.S. leaders should be working around the clock to make America truly energy independent.

Unfortunately, the Democrat Party is adamantly opposed to any measures that would increase the supply of this precious commodity.

Why is that the case?

Because environmental elitists like Al Gore have decided that average Americans should not drive automobiles. In Gore’s warped vision, the unwashed masses can damn well walk, skateboard, bike, hike, or preferably, not navigate at all. Except when headed to the polls to vote for Democrats, of course.

Mind you, “Limousine Liberals” like Gore, the Clintons, John Kerry, et al. will always have their SUVs, stretch limousines, private jets, and the like. It’s elitist, liberal arrogance gone mad!

In advancing their no-combustion engine agenda, liberals obviously exacerbate the energy crisis by toiling 24/7 to do the following:

* Obstruct all oil drilling

* Obstruct added refinery capacity via extreme environmental regulations

* Obstruct nuclear energy and other reasonable alternative energy sources

* Tax “windfall profits,” and implement other anti-business steps that stifle efforts to increase oil supply

What about the demand side? Liberals are just as mindless there, by opting to add federal and state taxes to the cost of gasoline at every opportunity.

Clearly, “gas pains” are the product of liberalism run amok. So, the question voters will have to answer this November is:

Are you ready to wait in long lines just to pay $5 for a gallon of gasoline? If so, vote for ‘’obstruct and tax’’ Democrats!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Would “Kinder, Gentler” President Have Prevented 9/11?

Authored by John W. Lillpop

As the fifth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attack approaches, Americans interested in preserving our way of life should pause and reflect on the following facts:

* President Bill Clinton refused to take Osama bin Laden into custody on at least two occasions. Had Clinton spent less time with Monica Lewinski and more time defending America, 9/11 might not have happened.

* Jamie Gorelick, the No. 2 person in the Clinton Justice Department, was chief architect of the “Wall” which prohibited communications between U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement agencies. Had Ms. Gorelick pursued career opportunities--like day laborer or day care--more suitable to her skill sets, the Twin Towers might still be standing.

* John F. Kerry, Democrat presidential hopeful in 2004, actually proposed a “kinder, gentler” war against the murderous thugs responsible for 9/11. Honestly, when looking at photos(Go) of the Twin Towers in flames, does “kinder, gentler” even enter your mind as an option?

* G.W. Bush, for all his warts and wrong-headed policies on illegal aliens, spending, and the like, has kept the terrorists from an encore of 9/11 on American soil. For that, Bush deserves our everlasting gratitude.

With mid-term elections less than three months away, Americans need to be reminded that Democrats generally believe that evil does not exist, except in U.S. policy and administration.

That liberal mindset almost guarantees another 9/11 if Democrats regain control of the government.

We must not allow that to happen. So, please, vote early, vote often and vote GOP!

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pelosi's "Lily-White, Republican Only" Membership Breached!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Pity poor Nancy Pelosi. Her Culture of Corruption campaign strategy for retaking the US House seemed to be going so well.

But then a funny thing happened to the bug-eyed airhead from San Francisco:

Democrats assaulted Capitol Hill police, drove under the influence of pills and/or alcohol, and were allegedly involved in bribery.

The latest stray Democrat involves Rep. William Jefferson, implicated in a bribery scheme as a result of two separate guilty pleas.

Jefferson joins Cynthia McKinney and Patrick Kennedy on Pelosi's "Do Not Send Xmas Card" list for 2006.

Between them, McKinney, Kennedy and Jefferson have ripped to shreds the "Lily-white, Republican Only' exclusivity Pelosi was so desperately counting on.

Diversity is not a good thing when it comes to Pelosi's 'Culture of Corruption," or so it would appear.

Other fallout: Pelosi's has been forced to destroy a huge inventory of campaign buttons reading “No More Culture of Corruption'”

Now that is a good thing!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why America Needs President Hillary Clinton in 2008


With the possible exception of blaspheming the Holy Ghost, the most egregious sin a conservative can commit is to knowingly express anything positive about the junior senator from New York, Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Or to be more precise and less politically correct, Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton.

However, egregious sin is actually my favorite summer pastime. So herewith, is an endorsement of the unlovable Lady Clinton.

Mind you, I descend into Satan’s domain with eyes wide open, knowing that my license to practice hate-mongering in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy may be irreversibly revoked. El Rushbo, Michael Savage, and Sean Hannity will no longer accept my collect calls. But, alas, the pilgrim's path in never easy.

Let's face it, troops. George W. Bush is not Ronald Reagan, or nor even George H. Bush for that matter.

A man claiming to be conservative has duped us. He is a president who has presided over an unprecedented expansion of government and federal spending. Who has cavorted with the devil--AKA Teddy Kennedy--in No Child Left Behind; who speaks Spanish, but seems completely incapable of coherent English. Who is unable to spell veto--in English or Spanish!

How can it possibly get worse?

In fact, assuming Republicans retain control of Congress, President Hillary Clinton could be a dramatic improvement.

You say what, Mr. Lillwhatever Pop?

For starters, conservatives would be emancipated from supporting a Republican-President-in-Name-Only (RPINO) who clearly regards fiscal responsibility and other basic conservative solutions as old hat, and not in vogue.

Secondly, those wonderful conservative instincts that have served America so very well in the past would return to the GOP with a flourish if there were a President Hillary Clinton to battle with.

Please consider the following: How would a Republican Congress deal with a new entitlement program costing ten trillion dollars, if proposed by President Hillary Clinton?

Would a GOP Congress allow the national debt to grow wildly out of control, to the detriment of untold numbers of future generations, if a liberal Democrat was president? What if Madam President refused to secure our borders in time of war, and had the gall to propose amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens? Or what if she remained silent while the Mexican military escorted drug smugglers across the border into America?

What if President Hillary Clinton proposed to sell management of U.S. port security to an Arab nation with known links to terrorists?

Such situations emanating from a Hillary Clinton administration would rally Republicans to take immediate action, concerning themselves only with doing that which is in the best interests of the American people.

For those who may have lost sight of a simple truth, doing what is best for America means sticking to conservative values.

There would be other advantages as well: President Hillary Clinton and Slick Willy might bring back some of that taxpayer-owned china and other booty pinched from the White House in late January, 2001. Said booty would once again be on property owned by We the People, until at least 2012 or 2016. That would be a good thing.

And with Slick Willie free to run wild in the Oval Office and adjoining back room again, there would surely be three or four sex scandals a year to investigate, providing unlimited blogging material for those of us who blog to the right of center.

Slick might even use all that sophisticated domestic spying apparatus at the White House to eavesdrop on lonely bimbos in Arkansas or Pakistan. He might even persuade Lady Clinton to do likewise, creating a perfect impeachable scenario for Republicans to adjudicate.

That would mean even more great blogging material for us right-wing nutcases.

All of which is why, as of this moment, I am convinced that a vote for Hillary is the most patriotic thing one can do in 2008!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

Dealing with corruption--the Liberal Way!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

As scandal after scandal rocks the liberals, we decided to canvass some big time Democrats to see how they are holding up.

Herewith a summary of dealing with corruption--the Liberal Way!

Corruption? What corruption? I know nothing about it---that's Nancy Pelosi's gig!

I have one thing to say---Howard Dean is supposed to take care of corruption! I am too busy redoing the Speaker's office to worry about such trivia----unless we can nail a Republican!

Corruption? Jeez, man, my babysitter---oops, I mean office manager, handles all that for me!
John Conyers

Monday, August 14, 2006

War on Terror More Lengthy than World War II? Blame Liberalism!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

A reader in the San Francisco Bay area recently had a letter published in the San Jose Mercury News in which he cited some interesting facts about the length of the war on terror as compared to World War 11.

Unfortunately, the reader–obviously a biased liberal, made no attempt to explain why World War II was decided in so much less time.

The fact is that during World War II, both political parties were solidly behind the American troops and the U.S. president. Both parties wanted the United States to win.

There was no John Murtha, Nancy Pelsoi, John Kerry, or Howard Dean doing their best to cripple U.S. war efforts. The U.S. Supreme Court was not working against American interests. Mike Wallace had just barely reached retirement age.

Back then, there was no ACLU working 24/7 to destroy the U.S. military. The New York Times was not leaking highly sensitive information about government surveillance programs.

Most reporters and editors in the mainstream media were American patriots first and reporters trying to sell war news stories second.

The bottom Line is that if the liberalism of 2006 had been around during World War II, America would still be fighting Japan, Germany and Italy.

Or, even worse, living under a Nazi and/or fascist regime.

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal, 'clean and sober' since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, the only place on the planet where people like Nancy Pelosi are considered reasonable!

Barry Bonds' Era Officially Ends

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

When Los Angeles Dodgers’ catcher Russell Martin hit a game-winning homer off Giants’ pitcher Vinnie Chulk on August 13, he did far more than conclude a three-game sweep by the hated first-place Dodgers.

Martin’s blast signaled a new era of domination by Los Angeles youth over San Francisco age. From now and into the foreseeable future, Dodger Stadium, not ATT Park, shall be the venue for league championship series, pennants and the World Series.

The steroid-plagued era of Barry Bonds has officially ended.

It was a nice run while it lasted. What a pity it never produced a world championship.

But that is a San Francisco baseball tradition, is it not?

Pity, too, that the Bonds will be forced to sit on his asterisk, sans that coveted World Series ring.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Have We No Compassion? What About The Haitians?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

As millions of illegal aliens marched in cities all across America last spring and summer DEMANDING citizenship and full rights after ignoring US borders and immigration laws, one wondered: What next?

How about the good people of Haiti? There is hardly a more oppressed, impoverished people in the world. Haitians have other advantages:

They are uneducated, illiterate, people of color. Perfect future Democrats, in other words.

They do not speak English. Another ideal match, if you are stuck with a warped, liberal mind.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Haitians set sail for the American Dream each year in leaky old wooden pallets, unsuitable for use as kindling wood, much less navigating the sea.

Risking life and limb, these courageous people come only in pursuit of a better life. Unlike Mexicans coming to reconquer the American Southwest, Haitians come only for freedom and--work.

Unfortunately for Haitians, they are usually intercepted at sea before reaching the US mainland, and turned back. Those who somehow make it in are immediately jailed, and prepared for deportation.

But to be perfectly fair, why shouldn't Haitians be allowed to assemble in major American cities and demand, demand, demand?

There are only 8.5 million of them. Surely we have room for a few hundred million more?

But, you say, Haitians would have to cross the sea, not a land border.


So, here is my plan.

Haitians, start your life pallets and head for--Mexico!

Once there, you can simply stroll across the US border and start demanding rights, food, education, health care--in short, the American Dream.

After all, as good-hearted, hard-working peasants you deserve American citizenship. Don't believe me? Ask any American liberal!

Caution to Haitians: Do NOT get caught as an illegal alien in Mexico. Folks there will regard you as a felon, and you can expect very harsh treatment from the same fools who think America should turn our beautiful nation over to 20,000,000 Mexican peasants.

One other tip: Once you arrive in Mexico, follow the taco and Cuervo beer lines to Los Angeles. Once a proud, majestic city, LA is now the Illegal Alien Capitol of the World.

The man in charge there, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, loves illegal aliens. He already babysits for about 10 million in Los Angeles, so I am sure he can find room for some needy Haitians.

Mayor Villaraigosa will arrange for all your needs, including voting ballots, housing, driver's licenses, education, food, health care--the whole ball of wax.

Worried about language barriers? Fret not! Mayor Villaraigosa will require all public service providers to speak and write Haitian!

Antonio is a "giving" kind of guy, especially when it comes to taxpayers money. So enjoy.

He is not very bright-- he is what we call a Democrat---but, hell, when you are on the down and out, you take what you can get, right? (Nice guy, but do not let your sister marry one of his kind.)

Welcome to America!

Open Letter from Jesus to Hillary Rodham Clinton


At the risking of appearing blasphemous, I present herewith my vision of what an Open Letter from Jesus to Hillary would say were He were inclined to write:

Dear Hillary,

How are you and Slick Willy---excuse me, President Clinton---managing these days?

Its great knowing you have worked so hard to preserve your marriage. Hillary, you deserve a congressional medal for all you have tolerated over the years..… especially the stuff on Pages 602 through 709 of Ken Starr’s 1998 Impeachment Report to congress.


My primary reason for writing is to congratulate you for advocating humane treatment of the 20 million illegal aliens who have invaded the US. You are to be applauded for sticking to hardball politics while everyone around you has obscured the issue with irrelevant talk about secure borders, homeland security, and the rule of law.

Enlisting my name in opposing HB 4437 was a shrewd political move on your part and one that will surely earn you favor with illegals who will vote in large numbers if Howard Dean’s recruiting drive works.

While I am thrilled that you are concerned about the welfare (pun not intended) of 20 million illegal aliens, I would ask that you re-prioritize your efforts to more fully embrace my Good News ministry.


-As I have repeatedly stated, you will always have the poor in your midst. Republicans and big business will see to that, so do not be overly concerned about the plight of the less fortunate.

-In lieu of your exaggerated hysteria about illegal aliens, I request that you devote your energies and resources to the callous murder of the unborn.

According to government statistics, 40 million precious lives have been brutally snuffed out since the Roe V. Wade Death Sentence on the Unborn was issued in 1973. 40 million innocent lives destroyed because angry white females loved the honey, but could not take the bees!

Please work to overcome this national sin, Hillary. By deporting 20 million illegals, you can make room for the unborn that will be saved by overturning Roe V. Wade. We call that a win-win!

-Because you are now an expert of the Holy Scriptures, I am sure you realize that homosexuality is a grievous sin, against both God and nature. It is called an abomination in the Good Book, and I ask that you work for a constitutional amendment to recognize marriage as it was in the Garden of Eden: One man and one woman. Not two men, or two women, or two men and a horse, or any other perverse concoction that liberals might dream up just for more votes.

To recap: Illegals out, babies in, gays out, man-woman marriages in.

Really quite simple, isn’t it?

One last piece of advice: I tried to slow Bill down a little with that quadruple by-pass last summer. But he seems to be getting spunkier by the day----watch him like a hawk, Hillary, especially during your upcoming campaign!

Best Wishes,


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Source of Bush Decline Revealed!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Washington D.C.(Lillpill News)--

Sources close to God, speaking on condition of anonymity, have told Pat Roberston and Jerry Falwell the exact root-cause of GW Bush's disastorous decline.

Seems as though God is really pissed off at the shame and disgrace brought to America and the White House by a perverted, fat hillbilly who was president..without securing a majority of the popular vote, by the way.

That would be Slick Willy--known in some liberal wacko circles as Bill Clinton.

According to Pat and Jerry, God has just got around to placing a pox on the White House, in retribution for Clinton's immorality and perjury.

Bill Clinton---the pervert that keeps on perverting!

Now, for the latest in Democrat party news, we turn to Igor Fiberal in our Moscow office..

Liberal Activist Judge Fails as Execution Expert

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In 1981, Michael Morales set his sights on 17-year old Terri Winchell and marked the young California woman for death. And what did Ms. Winchell do to provoke Morales?

She had the audacity to date a man involved in a homosexual affair with Ricky Ortega, a male cousin of Morales. To untangle this perverted love triangle, Morales decided to eliminate the female involved.

Morales began his mission by attempting to strangle Winchell with a belt. Failing that, he pulverized Winchell's skull with a claw hammer. It took 23 hacks, but Morales was finally able to subdue his prey.

End of story? Sadly not, because Morales was not finished. He decided the freshly slaughtered young woman could satisfy his carnal urges; so, he! raped the dead Winchell to seal the deal.

Morales was found guilty and sentenced to death. His date with destiny was scheduled for 12:01 AM, February 21, 2006. Unfortunately, a liberal activist judge, by the name of Jeremy Fogel, decided that Morales should not suffer any "excruciating pain" during execution.

Judge Jeremy Fogel actively pushes the liberal agenda from his lofty position on the bench at a US District Court in San Jose. But His Honor stepped over the line by dictating the procedures to be followed by California in ending the life of the sub-human killer, rapist and torturer.

Fogel was instantly transformed from US District Judge to execution expert, at the expense of justice.

As a result of His Honor's intervention, Morales is still alive, at least for a while.
And the killer who used a claw hammer to destroy a beautiful human lif! e is temporarily spared the pain of being jabbed with a needle, the sort of pain one endures in getting a flu shot.

And that is justice? Apparently so, at least according to one of the killer's attorneys who wrote "Yee-haw!'' in an e-mail announcing the stay.

But at least California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has it right. "The federal court has interjected itself into the details of the state's execution process,'' Schwarzenegger said in a statement. "I am confident that the convictions and sentence were appropriate in this case. I will continue to fight to uphold California's laws."

We are with you all the way, Guv. May the next scheduled gig for The Terminator end with real justice, rather than undeserved victory for the killer!

Cindy Sheehan in the Hands of Providence

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Providence hospital, that is.

The anti-war demonstrator took on the 100-degree Texas heat and got her head handed to her. Sheehan was hospitalized Friday for dehydration and exhaustion after fasting for more than a month.

Sheehan was listed in stable condition at Providence Health Center in Waco. Go here

Obviously, that refers only to her physical condition, as Sheehan is clearly unstable emotionally and mentally.

She is, in other words, a typical liberal.

Still, it could have been worse for the woman who is honoring her son's death by discrediting and ridiculing the cause for which he gave his life.

Things would be much grimmer had Sheehan had been afflicted with diarrhea-- there might have not been enough of her remains left for a decent funeral!

No Statue of Limitations on Murder--Lets Prosecute All Baby Killers!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

As everyone knows, there is no statute of limitations on murder. Murderers are subject to prosecution and punishment until their own sorry lives are finally ended.

Given the fact that baby genocide in the United States has claimed at least 40 million babies since the Roe V. Wade abomination, the federal government has a moral, legal and social obligation to seek full justice for the exterminated.

Instead of concerning itself with NSA wiretapping and other legitimate measures taken by G.W. Bush to protect the American people from terrorism, the U.S. congress should hold hearings to determine why the Department of Justice has failed to identify, arrest, prosecute, and punish all parents(male and female), physicians and other medical personnel party to the mass annihilation of millions of innocent children.

Get with the program, Department of Justice! Arrest a couple thousand mums, dads, and docs for murder and watch the fireworks begin.

Of course there will be appeals--the murderers will claim the protection of Roe V. Wade.

But you can counter that with an appeal all the way to the newly-constituted U.S. Supreme Court--the one that now includes brothers Roberts and Alito.

The key strategergy is to get an "Abortion is Murder" case before the court as soon as possible. Then let "Compassionate Conservatism" take over in court.

Its in your capable hands, Attorney General Gonzales.

Millions of yet-to-be-conceived fetus folk are counting on you!

Kofi Annan--Peacemaker or Terrorist Enabler?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In a statement released Saturday, Kofi Annan said: "I am happy to announce that the two leaders have agreed that the cessation of hostilities and the end of the fighting will enter into force on 14 August." Go here

Thus, Annan appears to have solved one of the most vexing conflicts in human history, dating back thousands of years.

Indeed, ending the fighting through a forced ceasefire was relatively easy--something one could trust to even a lightweight, so-called diplomatlike Madeline Albright for example.

But to negotiate a "cessation of hostilities" between Jews and Muslims implies far greater miracle working. Its almost as if Annan was able to confer a "spiritual awakening" on both sides, the result of which will be mutual respect, kindness and acceptance between the parties forever more.

If so, one wonders why Annan did not implement an immediate--as in now, not Monday--love-in between Israel and Hezbelloah?

Such a plan could have saved lives and property that will be lost during the extra war days until August 14.

In addition, the Reuters new agency could have laid off its entire Middle East photo fraud staff early, in anticipation of an urgent need stateside when that monster Category 5 hurricane slams into New Orleans, Florida or even New York City in the weeks ahead.

Reuters will surely need a full contingent of deceit photo "journalists" to convince the public that G.W. Bush's snub of the Kyoto Treaty has caused massive global warming and Category 5 storms. Obviously, those storms have been designed by Bush and the neocons to punish poor people of color for--well, being poor and people of color.

Reuters apparently believes it has a civic responsibility to make that argument with whatever indelicate staged photos may be necessary.

But back to the man of the hour, good old "Food for Oil" Kofi.

Lets drop the cynicism long enough for a well-deserved tip of the hat to Annan for restoring "insanity light" to the Middle East.

With a little luck, Israel will not be wiped off the map by Iran before Annan's ceasefire takes effect!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Breaking News: California Court Issues Common-Sense Ruling!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In a breathtaking departure from a long-standing judicial tradition, the California Court of Appeal panel in San Francisco issued a common -sense ruling on Friday.
Go Here

Repeating: Anonymous sources are claiming that a common-sense ruling has been issued by a California court.

Sources also claim that National Guard troops are quietly being redeployed from California airports to the court in San Francisco, but Governor Schwarzenegger has not yet commented officially on that aspect of this momentous story.

At issue is California's requirement that students pass an exit exam that measures math and English skills in order to graduate.

About 40,000 students, or 9.1 percent of the 2006 senior class, failed at least one section. Students can take the test an infinite number of times, but must pass both sections in order to graduate.

Attorney Arturo Gonzalez, representing some of the students who challenged the exam requirement, said the latest ruling will be appealed to the state Supreme Court.

Earlier this spring, Gonzalez alleged "discrimination," against minority and low-income students who were unable to pass the exam.

The San Francisco attorney apparently does not understand that the express purpose of exams is to determine if students have mastered subject matter well enough to be granted a certificate of achievement---in this case, a high school diploma.

To the extent that the exam "discriminates" against students who fail the exam, Gonzalez has a point.

But is that not the express purpose of exams to begin with?

For example, in order for Gonzalez to practice law, he was required to first pass the bar exam. On the other hand, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was unable to pass the bar, and has been forced into politics for which there are no intellectual, educational,ethical, or moral requirements.

In Gonzalez' convoluted logic,Antonio Villaraigosa is a victim of dircrimination. Fact is, the Los Angeles Mayor is just not bright enough to earn an honest living by practicing law.

In the same vein, the California high-school exam does not measure race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, credit score, personality, level of poverty, parental English usage or liberal wackiness.

The questions concern math and English. Period! End of story, next case please.

Gonzalez also fails to recognize the "discrimination" students will face in the real work world without basic math and English skills.

Indeed, students need to be aware that when looking for work in Silicon Valley and other high-technology venues, there will be no nutcase liberal attorney waiting in the wings to argue on behalf of unqualified job applicants.

In other words, Intel is looking for people who can design chips, not eat them.

Gonzalez nearly succeeded in keeping California schools ‘dumbed down’ to the point where graduation could be conferred upon any student able to prove four years of successful breathing.

Or, produce a note of explanation from a welfare case manager or parole officer.

Now, students represented by Gonzalez’ will be forced to recognize words and phrases like "Failed," "Not part of graduating class," and "Wait ‘till next year."

And those words shall be in English, mind you!

But all is not gloom and doom. In fact, there is actually some good news for Arturo’s Aces: None will have to worry about actually being able to read a High School diploma--for at least another year.

For his part, Gonzalez remains unbowed. Rumor has it his appeal to the state Supreme Court will based on the fact that most of those who failed were answering a much higher calling: Marching in the streets and freeways of Los Angeles to demand citizenship and rights for illegal aliens.

Gonzalez allegedly plans to argue that HR 4437 is a racist, bigoted bill that drove his clients from study halls to protest marches in pursuit of basic human and civil rights. Civics 101 of the liberal nut ball variety, if you will.

And everyone knows that making Mexican flags and banners reading si se puede is far more important than studying for a silly math or English exam.

When asked to explain why Asian ‘minority’ students, even those with limited English skills, fared so well on exit exams, Gonzalez allegedly explained that it was yet another example of discrimination: Very few Asian students are illegal aliens, he contends, and almost none marched in April or on May 1.

There you go. Irresponsible Asians with their little yellow noses to the grindstones, while civic-minded Latino kids unselfishly took to the streets and freeways for the larger community good.

Alas, is there no justice?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Questions Our Politicans Must Answer in the Immigration Debate

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In 1986, President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control (IRAC) Act, the stated purpose of which was to end illegal immigration by imposing severe penalties on employers who hire people without a legal basis for being here.

IRCA also granted amnesty to approximately four million illegals here at the time, most of whom hailed from Mexico. Again, the thinking was that by granting a one-time amnesty, illegal immigration would no longer be a problem.

Unfortunately, IRAC has never been enforced. In fact, it has been blatantly ignored by both Democrat and Republican administrations.

As a consequence, 20 years after enactment of IRAC, America has been invaded by as many as 20 million additional illegal aliens--on top of the four million granted amnesty in 1986.

In terms of sheer numbers, if the population of illegal aliens currently here was a separate state, that state would be the most populous in the United States, excepting California.

Because illegal aliens represent so many serious threats to American citizens, it is essential that lawmakers consider several vital questions when debating illegal immigration:

*Can America afford to grant amnesty to third-world peasants equal in population to the entire nation of Australia? Or five times the population of Ireland? Sixty seven percent the population of Canada?

*Does it make any sense to add what would essentially be a 51st state comprised of majority third-world criminals who are impoverished, uneducated and non-English speaking?

*Why should the United States even consider amnesty for those who believe that Mexico is still the rightful owner of the U.S. Southwest, and that “gringos” should be forced to leave the continent?

*Can America tolerate a subculture in which the Mexican flag is more esteemed that the Red, White, and Blue, or in which Spanish is the preferred language over English?

*Why should American citizens who have paid taxes all their lives be subjected to the displacement and turmoil that comes with radical changes in racial demographics, language and culture?

*If amnesty was in fact enacted now, how long would it be before another 20 million illegal aliens would ignore our borders and laws in pursuit of a better life?

Islamically Speaking, Never Misunderstimate a Terrorist's Strategery

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

President Bush has apparently decided (finally) that there are notable exceptions to the notion that Islam is a "Religion of Peace."

Like when Muslim "evil doers" are caught in the middle of a campaign to blow up a dozen or so planes. G.W. correctly described that plot as part of a "war with Islamic fascists."

As expected, Muslim leaders were none too thrilled with the new G.W. articulation skills: "We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counter-productive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group.

But perhaps Awad has a point. Rather than associating Islam or Muslims with "fascism," lets really tell it like it is:

"The civilized world is at war with Islam, a collection of violent religious fanatics--aka terrorists-- devoted to converting every living organism on the planet to their religion. Islamic terrorists are unbound by values common to civilized people. They do not respect human life, and will use mayhem and murder against any and all who reject Allah and the Koran."

Wishful thinking on my part, that G.W. would actually make such a statement?

Probably, but given the reaction of Mr. Awad, it seems the president is finally moving away from PC and toward brutal truth.

And that is a good thing, strategerically speaking.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terror Alert: Middle-Eastern Males Need not Apply!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Scotland Yard has disrupted a terrorist plot to commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" by blowing up planes in flight from the United Kingdom to the United States. Go here

This news has prompted the U.S. Government to raise the nation’s threat level to Severe, or Red, for commercial flights originating in the United Kingdom bound for the United States.

As expected, avowed enemies of America, including CAIR, the ACLU, the Democrat National Committee, and the liberal news media are more concerned about offending Middle-Eastern males than about preventing a dozen or so planes from being blown up.

The urgent message from the left is: Do not overreact by using racial profiling or other stereotyping tools that might offend young devotees of the Religion of Peace.

Translated: Abandon all common sense in favor of PC, especially in an election year!

So, assume the following travelers are waiting to be screened at your airport. As the honcho responsible for the safety of hundreds of thousands of passengers each day, which group would you pay special attention to?

( ) Thirty-five nuns in habits and full religious dress en route to "catch a peek at the Pope" in the Vatican?

( ) Players and coaches of the Kansas City Royals baseball team--known to be a very serious terrorist threat by long-suffering Royals fans?

( ) A group of handcuffed illegal alien felons waiting to be flown back to Mexico as part of a long-overdue deportation?

( ) Seventeen young men of Middle-Eastern origin, speaking Arabic, holding one-way tickets paid with credit cards, and wearing T-shirts labeled "Win One for Allah!" ?

( ) A group of Caucasian seniors, all women, from Pat Robertson's 700 Club en route to Damascus with a revised Road Map for peace in the Middle-East?

( ) A group of blind jugglers on their way to a Braille convention in Seymour, Washington?

Its not easy being tough on terrorism-- when the enemy is PC at all costs!

Democrats Set to Commit "Hairy-Kerry" Again?

By abandoning Joe Lieberman for supporting the war on terror, Democrats have decided that Kool Aid will be the party drink of choice this November.

Poison provided courtesy of Howard Dean and the DNC.

Even now, mass graves are being excavated, using only union labor of course, in anticipation of November election results.

Just a few months ago, public opinion polls showed Democrats gaining voter confidence in their ability to handle national defense and terrorism. Imagine that--voters actually trusting Democrats over Republicans when it comes to keeping America safe.

For the first time since well before George McGovern made Richard Nixon's reelection a lead-pipe cinch and Watergate the most unnecessary crime wave in American political history, Democrat was synonymous with defense, rather than defeatist

But, with success comes responsibility and Democrats have never been particularly diligent about anything.

With the exception, that is, of raising taxes and kicking God out of all public venues where two or more "sensitive" Muslims with jihad on their minds might congregate

Thus, Lieberman's loss is a clear signal to the DNC elite: Defeatism is back!

In other words, the party of abortions, assisted suicides, and murders' rights
has decided that "Hairy-Kerry" is preferrable to winning. Perhaps its more inclusive?

Yet again, Democrats are set to make G.W. Bush look like a political genius and clever strategerist--a feat the man could never accomplish on his own.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pelosi Culture of Corruption to Lie In State at Rotunda

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

God spoke to Moses Through a Burning Bush: Let's Thank Our God by Burning GW Bush!

Nancy Pelosi(Dunce-CA), anointed to be the next Speaker of the US House by the MSM, today announced final arrangements for the internment and burial of her Culture of Corruption(COC).

Pelosi's COC was declared officially dead after several primary results failed to produce expected gains for Democrats. Cause of death was determined to be exposure to the light of day, a condition often fatal to liberal arguments, candidates and rhetoric.

Pelosi also announced that the following Democrats were directly involved in the murder of the Pelosi COC: William J. Jefferson Cynthia McKinney Patrick Kennedy John Conyers, and Harry Reid.

Francine Busby is listed as a co-conspirator because of her idiotic statement that encouraged illegal immigrants to vote, Pelosi added.

The expired COC will lie in state at the Capitol Rotunda for a brief time. Normal protocol for state funerals will apply, except that Capitol Police, FBI Agents, Traffic Police, and Ticket Takers will not be assigned to the service.

This departure from tradition is seen as a gesture of goodwill by Pelosi in deference to McKinney, Jefferson, Kennedy and Reid and their respective issues with the aforementioned authority figures.

Pall bearers will be the first six clean and sober illegal immigrants that can be found on Capitol grounds. Only those with no papers and who speak only Spanish will be eligible to serve.

This, it is rumored, is in deference to Francine Busby.

Funeral services will include rich and diverse music and spiritual themes including:

* McKinney will sing a solo version of "I shot the Sheriff."

* Conyers, Jefferson and McKinney will team up as a trio for a lively rendition of "We shall Overcome."

* Patrick Kennedy will hum the "The Days of Wine and Roses" as long as someone agrees to drive him home.

Pelosi will deliver the main eulogy titled: "God Spoke to Moses Through a Burning Bush: Let's Repay God by Burning GW Bush!"

In lieu of flowers, Pelosi requests that unmarked bills be mailed to DNC Headquarters: Attention Bush Extermination Fund. Not tax deductible.

Georgia Voters Reject Anti-war Racist

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In a stunning victory for president G.W. Bush and the forces of common sense, cop-beater Cynthia McKinney was expelled from the U.S. House of representatives by Georgia voters on Tuesday.

Georgia voters thus did a bit of "Housekeeping" in Nancy Pelosi's Culture of Corruption. Housekeeping that the bug-eyed airhead from San Francisco should have done on her own.

McKinney, known for her conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11 attacks, was demolished by Attorney Hank Johnson, a former county commissioner, who won the nomination with 59 percent of the vote, surpassing McKinney by more than 11,000 votes. Source:

The defeat of this racist dunce is proof positive that anti-war Democrats are about to commit hairy-Kerry on a grand scale in November--again!

But why try to stop them? After all, ending ones life, political and otherwise, is a personal choice best left to the individual. Right?

Besides, anti-war nutcases like McKinney and Cindy Sheehan are the best thing the Republicans have going this election!

"He Passed Peacefully--Surrounded by Loving Family"

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

As we age, our priorities change. For instance, my daily routine now consists of the following: First thing in the morning, check obituaries in the local paper. If I ain’t listed among the dearly departed, we have a go--for at least one more day.

Unable to shake my obsession with efficiency, I always read the obituaries before taking any meds or plugging in the coffee pot. I have always been a stickler for not wasting time or energy.

Of course, scanning the obituaries can be very depressing--except when you come across the name of someone to whom you owed money. In that case, you praise the Lord for bringing that brother home!

An obituary phrase that always leaves me puzzled is the boiler plate that reads: “He passed peacefully into the arms of the Lord, surrounded by loving members of his family.”

Every time I read that line, my mind projects to my own death bed and what my final thoughts might be concerning those "loving" family members surrounding me:

-There’s my younger brother, Paul. Damn he’s getting fat---he should be the one croaking ,not me. But he has always been someone’s favorite--looks like he’s even conned the Grim Reaper!

-And there is Ex # 1. Wonder what the hell she wants--she is not in the will. Wish I could see her old prune -face when she hears that cheery news.

-My sister Martha is here with her laptop. Damn attorney probably plans to download my will and start fighting over my pennies once the nurse gives the high sign. Bitch!

-Ex # 2--sobered up long enough to drive me mad one more time, huh? Well, since you will end up in the Hot Place, this is the last time I have to look at your ugly face! (That woman is so homely even Catholic Charities turned her away)

And finally, there is my current significant other, Millie. Wonder where she spent the night and with whom? She is also out of the will for being a two-timing, gold digging lady of ill repute.

How do I know you ask? That’s how I met her, brother!

Oops! I feel a sharp pain in my chest. Nurse, hurry! Can you raise my right hand and extend my middle finger to those vultures rooting for my last breath?

One last obscene gesture and it’s adios to Millie and all the rest of my “loving" family!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Doctored" War Photos Provide Aid and Comfort to Enemy

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Thanks to eagle eyed bloggers wary of main-stream media war coverage, the Reuters news service has been forced to concede that some of the photographs used in its coverage of the Middle East war were tampered with.

In a released statement, the wire agency announced the withdrawal of all 920 photographs by freelance Lebanese photographer, Adnan Hajj from its database. Source

Aside from the fact that a major news outlet fell victim to a hideous propaganda campaign, the real tragedy is that media has become so liberalized that such an outrageous fraud would even make it past the editor's cut.

After all, this is war-- and war is hell! Regrettably, innocent people, including women, children and the elderly, are killed during war.

Does anyone believe, for example, that all 100,000 Japanese killed in the bombing of Hiroshima were military combatants? And that that carnage included no children or women or elderly?

Another more recent example: Does anyone remember September 11, 2001? Of the 3,000 dead from that attack how many were civilians? More succinctly, were there any military casualties?

Avoiding civilian casualties is nearly impossible because Islamic jihadists deliberately place war-making weapons and men in the midst of civilian neighborhoods and mosques. They do so knowing that fanatics like Adnan Hajj, aided and abetted by the liberal U.S. media, will publish any and everything to make the United States and Israel appear evil.

What a pity that America's enemy in the war on terror includes news professionals-- reporters, photographers and editors-- who would rather advance anti-American propaganda than report the facts objectively.

jwl copyright

Monday, August 07, 2006

Illegal Aliens Die in Crash--Racism to Blame?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Nine illegal aliens were killed in a highway crash Monday while trying to elude Border Patrol agents, and at least 12 others were injured, officials said.

The large sport utility vehicle carrying up to 22 people swerved to avoid a spike strip put out by Border Patrol agents, Sheriff's Maj. Leon Wilmot said. Source

I fully expect that liberals, including Hispanic activists from La Reza, will decry the accident as a racist assault against people of color, and demand that immediate steps such as the following be taken:

( ) Immediately repeal Prop. 200, Arizona's anti-illegal alien bill

( ) Arrest the perusing border patrol agents for involuntary manslaughter

( ) Require all speed limit signs to be posted in Spanish

( ) Locate survivors and immediately register them as Democrats for 2006 election

( ) Register all 22, including the expired, as Democrats.

( ) Blame the accident on global warming, and sue the Bush Administration for $500 billion dollars in punitive damages.

Arizona's liberal Governor Napolitono will probably respond with something brilliant like "These are all great ideas, but $500 billion does have a nice right to it."

Fret Not, Cuba. G.W. Bush is no John Kennedy!

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

From AP comes word that leftist intellectuals and human rights activists around the globe are uging the United States to "stand down" with regard to Cuba while Fidel Castro recovers from his medical problem.

In response, President Bush said "The only thing I know is what has been speculated, and this is that, on the one hand, he is very ill and, on the other hand, he is going to be coming out of hospital."

"Our desire is for the Cuban people to choose their own form of government" said the president. Source

Sounds as though G.W. Bush has those international "intellectuals" worried that America might have designs on Cuba now that Castro is incapacitated.

Were you expecting an invasion, intellectuals?

Rest easy, commie pinkos. If you are concerned about a Bay of Pigs redux under G.W. Bush, forget it.

G.W. Bush may not be the sharpest knive in the drawer, but he is no John Kennedy!

A Prayer for Deliverance from Liberal Insanity

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Oh, God of my Father. Deliver me, Lord, from the ravages of liberal insanity.

Heal me so that I might see the inherent evil in the liberal agenda including:

*Removal of God from schools and public discourse

*Anti-Christian barbarism

* Abortion rights

* Feminism

* Homosexuality

* Illegal immigration

* Loose moral standards

* Anti-American activism

* Welfare dependency

* Assisted suicide

* Desecration of U.S. flag

* Disregard for U.S. Constitution

* Judicial activism

* Higher taxes

* More government

* School busing

* Affirmative action

* The United Nations,ACLU,labor unions, tax withholding

Prayerfully submitted in the name Of Jesus.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Use Yankee Ingenuity to Fix Mexico's Election Mess

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

It should come as no great surprise that a nation which can not feed, house, educate and provide minimal health care for its citizens can not manage free and fair elections.

And so it is with Mexico. More than a month after the July 2 presidential election there, tens of thousands of angry protesters are threatening to seize Mexico City's airport and otherwise engage in civil disobedience.

The seeds of discontent were sown Saturday when Mexico's Federal Electoral Tribunal decided that Lopez Obrador failed to provide sufficient evidence of irregularities or fraud to warrant a full recount.

However, losing candidate Obrador is unwilling to concede. "We are going to continue our peaceful civil resistance movement," Lopez Obrador said Saturday, adding that the tribunal's judges were "legally weak."Source

It sounds as though losing leftists in Mexico are being coached by the same thugs who attempted to steal the U.S. election for Al Gore and the Democrats in 2000.

Still, there may be a way for the United States to help Mexico climb out of its election hole, while at the same time addressing a vexing issue facing Americans.

I refer to Lopez Obrador's urgent need for left-leaning Mexican voters and America's oversupply of the same, in the form of illegal aliens.

By forcing a large percentage of the 20 million illegal squatters now here illegally to return to their beloved Mexico, the United States could help bring justice to Mexico--at least until the next election.

By spreading Democracy in this manner, America could avoid a repeat of last April and May when millions of illegal aliens took to the streets of Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago and other U.S. major cities to demand citizenship.

How perfectly logical that those same criminals should be sent home to march in Mexico City and other slum cities in that third-world cesspool.

So, let the deportations begin and prepare to celebrate the mother of all win-win deals!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Exposing Liberal Bias in the Media

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

The woman being comforted has just (Select the best answer):

* Learned that her teenage son is in love with "A very nice Jewish boy in the Israeli army."

* Filled the family SUV with Unleaded Regular and is trying to find the money to pay the gas station attendant

* Opened the July bill for running the AC in her New York City flat

* Been told that Condi Rice is humanity's best hope for stopping the Israeli-Hezbelloh war

* Learned that her daughter tests in the same achievement percentile as GW Bush in public speech, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

* Seen Al Gore's fiction movie "An Inconvenient Truth" and is planning her future and that of her children accordingly

* Discovered that she has won the Mega Lotto worth U.S. $50 million dollars. But in order to claim the jackpot, she must convert to Judaism, and turn in all undetonated suicide back packs stored at the local mosque.

Unfortunately, photographs like this are used extensively by the liberal media to slant public opinion against America, Israel, President Bush, Republicans and all things good and decent.

Shame on the low-life liberal media!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Hispanically Speaking, Never Misunderestimate Your Foe's Strategery

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

To say that Washington politicians speak in stealth, and without apparent transparency, would itself be a perfect example of code-speak.

Fact is, most of what is said for public consumption in Washington has at least one possible alternative meaning. "Plausible Deniability" is an especially annoying ploy to shield public servants from overexposure should the light of day threaten to wreak havoc on previous assertions.

So it was with that cynical perspective that I read President Bush's recent statement to the Cuban people concerning their future, sans Fidel Castro.

Bush said "We will support you in your effort to build a transitional government in Cuba committed to democracy, and we will take note of those in the current Cuban regime who obstruct your desire for a free Cuba." Source

To the politically naive, that would seem a fairly innocuous statement of reassurance to a nation of people that has suffered under a Communist dictator for more 40 years. G.W. was simply reminding Cubans that America stands ready to help should Castro expire any time soon, right?

However, to those of us who know better, G.W. was really firing a warning shot at Fidel's radical brother, Raul Castro. In my view, G.W. was speaking in code about Cuba's future and his own political aspirations--inextricably linked if my political analysis is accurate.

In effect, G.W. was saying, "Fidel Castro is in God's hands. And that means the old commie fart will soon be your 'dearly departed' former president.

But fret not, Cuba, because as luck would have it, yours truly will soon be looking for an executive position. I can bring you freedom, democratic rule and trade with the United States."

In other words, G. W. was announcing his intention to run for president again--but next time, he will be seeking the top job in Cuba.

And why shouldn't he?

In January of 2009, G.W. Bush will be just 62 years old--a veritable lad. He takes no prescription medications and appears in excellent physical health. A perfect candidate to lead Cuba out of the dark days of communist despair and into the bright future of Compassionate Conservatism.

Running for president of Cuba certainly beats the hell out of alternatives recently offered by Don Rumsfield. Rummy suggested that Bush do one of the following:

* Declare himself eligible for another term based on the perverted liberal argument that Al Gore actually won the 2000 election, or

* Append the 2007 Defense Appropriations bill with a Signing Statement declaring the 22nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution null and void.

Both ideas lack political pizzazz and are unlikely to connect with voters, even with all those bombs, tanks, fighter jets, guns, and Marines at Rummy's disposal.

Besides, G.W.'s strengths and experience might benefit Cuba.

A resume of qualifications for GW might read as follows:

G.W. Bush
The Oval Office
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C.

Career Objective:
Executive position with government-backed pension and retirement benefits, plus two months annual vacation.

Related Experience:
Worked for eight years to bring peace, prosperity, and harmony to America. Would have succeeded were it not for partisan, leftist thugs known in the United States as Democrats.

Language Skills:
Texan--Pidgin English with a drawl

Greatest Achievement As President:
Trained Barney to stop doing his business on the Oval Office carpet.

Greatest Obstacle As President:
Learning the correct pronunciation of nuclear-- is still what they call a work in progress.

Favorite Song: Hail to the Chief.

Currently Reading: August Readers' Digest

Just Finished Reading: June Readers'

* Stuck in Washington most of July-- unable to get to Crawford library to check out
July Digest.

Fondest Memory As President:
Telling John Kerry he had the wrong number when he called to concede the election in 2004

Foreign Leader Most Admired:
Yo! Blair

Foreign Leader Least Admired:
Flat-footed tie between Osama bin Laden and Ted Kennedy

Autographing my demolished cycling helmets and selling them to pay for faster cycling bikes.

Role Model:
Cross between Yogi Berra and Ken Lay.

Advise for Next U.S. President:
Hispanically speaking, never misunderestimate your opponent's strategery

See results from 2004 U.S. presidential election

January 2009 at the latest. Depending on the 2006 mid-term elections, it could be much sooner.

And finally, the G.W. Bush Vision Statement for all Cubans:

Good eyesight is vital to seeing a bright future. I encourage all Cubans to take good care of the eyes God gave you, even if you do not always see eyeball- to -eyeball with him.

Run George, run!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Can America Afford 20 Million More Criminals from the Third World?

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

In 1986, President Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and
Control(IRAC) Act (Reform and Control Act (IRAC) the stated purpose of which was to end illegal immigration by imposing severe penalties on employers who hire people without a legal basis for being here.

IRCA also granted amnesty to approximately four million illegals here at the time, most of whom hailed from Mexico. Again, the thinking was that by granting a one-time amnesty, illegal immigration would no longer be a problem.

Unfortunately, IRAC has never been enforced. In fact, it has been blatantly ignored by both Democrat and Republican administrations. As a consequence, 20 years after enactment of IRAC, America has been invaded by as many as 20 million additional illegal aliens--on top of the four million granted amnesty in 1986.

In terms of sheer numbers, if the population of illegal aliens currently here was a separate state, that state would be the most populous in the United States, excepting California. Source

On a global scale, that "Illegal Alien State" would rank among the most populous in the world based on current data:

Canada: 33 million
Iraq: 27 million
North. Korea: 23 million
Australia: 20 million
Ireland: 4 million


Because illegal aliens represent so many serious threats to American citizens, it is essential that lawmakers consider several vital questions when debating illegal immigration:

* Can America afford to grant amnesty to third-world peasants equal in population to the entire nation of Australia? Or five times the population of Ireland? Sixty seven percent the population of Canada?

* Does it make any sense to add what would essentially be a 51st state comprised of majority third-world criminals who are impoverished, uneducated, and non-English speaking?

* Why should the United States even consider amnesty for those who believe that Mexico is still the rightful owner of the U.S. Southwest, and that "gringos" should be forced to leave the continent?

* Can America tolerate a subculture in which the Mexican flag is more esteemed
than the Red, White, and Blue, or in which Spanish is the preferred language over English?

* Why should American citizens who have paid taxes all their lives be subjected to the displacement and turmoil that comes with radical changes in racial demographics, language and culture?

* If amnesty was in fact enacted now, how long would it be before another 20 million illegal aliens would ignore our borders and laws in pursuit of a better life?

We the People must make known our complete opposition to any hair-brained scheme that would reward millions of outlaws here illegally with the most prized possession on the planet: U.S. citizenship.

Losing this battle is not an option, because to do so will cost we Americans our beloved nation itself.

"Axes for Allah" Parade at Theme Park Canceled

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

The largest theme park in Britain, Alton Towers, had scheduled a ”Muslim fun day,” but it’s been canceled due to lack of interest, according to the park.

Darn, this is terrible news! I was so looking forward to the "Axes for Allah" parade at the end of the evening.

"Axes for Allah" is a take-off on the parade that closes each day at Disney.

But whereas the Disney parade is a joyful occasion staged for children, the Islamic version is designed to whet the appetites of adult jihadists--with the rich blood of infidels.

The festivities begin with the random selection of five infidels by park stewards. The infidels are then decapitated by Islamic jihadists with axes certified as "Infidel Ready" in a local Mosque.

The object is to see which jihadist can severe the head of his assigned infidel the quickest.

Severe means the infidel head must be in the bucket, fair and square. Instant replays and appeals are not allowed.

Camcorders for recording the axtion are available for rent to Muslim school teachers and religious clerics responsible for educating Muslim youth. Audio recording equipment is also available, but is extra.

The ax-murdering winner is crowned "Axhole of the Day," and leads the grand parade in a float adorned with the bloody axes of all jihadist winners for the past week.

Seasonal discount coupons are available--to infidels only.

Those Muslims do not miss a trick when it comes to profiteering!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

G.W. Bush-- Why Does He Refuse to Listen to We the People?

Authored by JOHN W. LILLPOP

In the White House press room, President Bush mockingly cups his ear as if struggling to hear questions posed by the media.

Now over 60, the president apparently needs all the help he can get hearing the voice of We the People.

Although critics alledge that the problem is not organic, but is rather one of reluctance to listen.

In other words, the president's hearing is fine. But his willingness to listen to,and abide by, the will of the people has gone wonky.

On illegal immigration, for instance, President Bush continues to push "Comprehensive Reform," widely recognized as amnesty for illegal aliens.

With as many as 20 million illegal aliens currently in the United States, a majority of Americans want President Bush to immediately secure the U.S.-Mexican border to stop further invasions from Mexico.

Americans are also opposed to the so-called Guest Worker program proposed by the President, and do not believe that illegal aliens should be rewarded with citizenship.

Recent polling numbers indicate that the president is also out of touch with voters on the war in Iraq and federal spending.

Most Americans now believe that the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

With all due respect, you had better listen, sir.

Otherwise you may be forced to listen to a Bill of Impeachment filed against you by a hostile Democrat congress next winter.

Liberal Insanity and Taxes

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

To any liberal worth his or her weight in Impeach Bush! bumper stickers, nothing is more dangerous than a tax cut involving the return of money to those who actually paid taxes.

Mind you, leftists see nothing morally or economically wrong with passing out tax refunds to illegal immigrants, the homeless, incarcerated felons or anyone who has paid no taxes to begin with.

Unless, of course, a non-payer happens to be a Republican who earned "obscene" profits, and who, for whatever reason, did not pay all taxes owed.

In these rare instances, most liberals will vacate their opposition to the death penalty and will push for swift execution.

After all, dead Republicans with high-value tax liens can help bail out inept Democrat office holders and their inevitable budget woes.

Given the liberal mindset on taxes, it should come as no great surprise that recent good news on tax revenues was greeted with outright skepticism by the Left.

The good news was this: As a result of the Bush tax cuts, federal tax revenues have actually increased , thereby reducing the deficit more quickly than planned.

All Americans--liberal and conservative--would surely cheer such good news, right?

Well, not exactly.

Liberals and the mean-spirited media not only did not cheer the news, but absolutely refused to congratulate President Bush for a policy that stoked the engine of free enterprise and added jobs to the US economy.

Other than political jealously, why would liberals be anything but joyful at increased government revenues?

According to a liberal friend, the answer is simple:

Additional revenues could have been realized by simply increasing, rather than reducing, taxes on corporations and the wealthy.

And, liberals contend, that would have saved scores of millions of dollars spent to process and deliver tax refund checks. To say nothing of the interest lost to the government whilst tax refunds were in the unwashed hands of the public.

To the liberal, there is no greater sin than to relinquish control over monies that have already been extracted from the tax-paying public. Even if to do so would ultimately result in greater revenues for the federal government.

That is insanity!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Woe be Unto Those Who Offend 'Little Ones'

Authored by JOHN W LILLPOP

Israel's air attack on Qana on July 30 resulted in the death of 37 children.

The Israeli government claims that the death of innocent children was a "tragic mistake." Hezbelloh has been accused on using civilians, including children, as human shields.

Regardless of the underlying facts, 37 precious children are dead. Victims of non-ending war in the Middle East.

Media images of those dead and mutilated children are haunting reminders of the horror of war and the carnage visited upon the most innocent and vulnerable among us.

Seeing dead and suffering children also brings to mind the stern warning issued by Jesus in Matthew 18: 6:

'But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.'

Jesus made no allowances for 'Collateral Damage' or 'Tragic Mistakes,' all too common during a bloody war.

The millstone would appear to apply to all who harm His 'Little Ones.'

However, although Jesus made no mention of intent, one can safely assume that the darkest, most punishing, corners of hell are reserved for those who deliberately use innocent children to wage war by using their young bodies as weapons of mass destruction.

Indeed, deliberately forcing a child to strap explosives to his or her body as a suicide bomber just to kill civilians, including other innocent children, is beyond comprehension.

Such barbaric behavior must surely be far more grievous than being party to an act of war in which children are mistakenly, and unintentionally, harmed.

Nearly 2000 years after Jesus, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Mier remarked that peace will be realized in the Middle East at such time as Muslim Arabs love their children more than they hate the Israelis.

Unfortunately, that day has not yet arrived.

Man's inhumanity toward man continues unabated, including unspeakable offenses against the world's 'Little Ones.'

Woe be unto those!